Kodaikanal Otha Poondu – Single Clove Garlic [Solo Garlic] – ஒத்த பூண்டு – ஒற்றைப்பல் பூண்டு [ஒரு பல் பூண்டு]
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The Kodaikanal Hill Region produces Solo Garlic, also known as Kodaikanal Single Clove Garlic. Because of the land and environment in which it is grown, this garlic is well-known for its medicinal qualities. It is a unique garlic variety with only one clove of garlic and a lovely oval or round shape. When the skin of the garlic is removed, there is only one clove remaining. Normal garlic has several cloves joined together, whereas solo garlic, or single clove garlic, has a single round shaped clove, similar to onions. Please see the DESCRIPTION below for more information on the health benefits of this garlic.
Single Clove Garlic has been shown to successfully lower blood cholesterol levels.
When taken on a regular basis, it lowers the chance of catching a cold or cough by more than half.
Garlic includes an organosulfur molecule known as diallyl trisulfide, which aids in the battle against cancer by assisting the body in killing malignant cells.
It aids in the prevention of heart disease.
When you have high blood pressure, it helps you relax your muscles, which lowers your blood pressure.
It stimulates the pancreas and boosts insulin production when combined with vitamin B and thymine. As a result, diabetes has been brought under control.